Water Testing
Property owners with private wells should submit a water sample from the well at least once every year. The water should also be tested after repairs have been made to the water supply system.
Available Testing Options
Bacteria testing - tests for Total coliform bacteria and E. coli bacteria.
Chemical testing - this testing can analyze your water for the following: pH, Nitrates, Chloride, Sulfate, Flouride, Iron, Manganese and Lead.
All water samples and completed forms must be returned to OCHD before 12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. This must be a same-day sample as it needs to reach the lab within 30 hours of collection.
What kind of complaints will OCHD investigate?
Failing on-site sewage disposal systems
Is there a cost?
There is a fee for OCHD to come to a business or residence to collect water samples. Cash, check or card accepted.
For more information on testing and pricing, please contact us at (573) 897-3103.